This event is in the "Adults" group. Yoga for All Levels-Hybrid Event 10:00am - 11:00am Adults Fitness, Health & Wellness Required Payment This event is in the "Adults" group. May 10 2023 Wed Yoga for All Levels-Hybrid Event 10:00am - 11:00am Fitness, Health & Wellness Please note you are looking at an event that has already happened. Library Branch: Cold Spring Harbor Library Room: Large Meeting Room AB Age Group: Adults Program Type: Fitness, Health & Wellness Required Payment Required Seats Remaining: 10 Event Details: This is a hybrid event that will take place in the library as well as virtually, via Zoom May 3rd-June 14th (class will not meet on May 17th)
This event is in the "Adults" group. Drawing for the Painter-In Person Event 10:00am - 12:00pm Adults Art Required Payment This event is in the "Adults" group. May 10 2023 Wed Drawing for the Painter-In Person Event 10:00am - 12:00pm Art Please note you are looking at an event that has already happened. Library Branch: Cold Spring Harbor Library Room: Small Meeting Room Age Group: Adults Program Type: Art Required Payment Required Seats Remaining: 1 Event Details: This is an in-person program and will take place at the library. This program meets for 5 classes: Wednesdays, May 3rd, 10th, 17th, 24th, 31st
This event is in the "Children" group. Mother Goose 10:30am - 11:15am Children Storytime Required This event is in the "Children" group. May 10 2023 Wed Mother Goose 10:30am - 11:15am Storytime Please note you are looking at an event that has already happened. Library Branch: Cold Spring Harbor Library Room: Storytime Room Age Group: Children Program Type: Storytime Required Seats Remaining: 0 Event Details: For children ages 6 months to 24 months with adult Enjoy sharing rhymes, songs, and movements with your child. Registration with a Cold Spring Harbor Library Card is required!
This event is in the "Children" group. Adventures in Art: Meet Monet! 4:30pm - 5:15pm Children Art Required This event is in the "Children" group. May 10 2023 Wed Adventures in Art: Meet Monet! 4:30pm - 5:15pm Art Please note you are looking at an event that has already happened. Library Branch: Cold Spring Harbor Library Room: Large Meeting Room AB Age Group: Children Program Type: Art Required Seats Remaining: 15 Event Details: For children in grades K-5 Take a deep dive into the paintings of Claude Monet, one of the most famous artists of all time. Learn about his Impressionist art, then create your own painting inspired by his work.
This event is in the "Adults" group. Zumba--In-person 6:30pm - 7:30pm Adults Fitness Required Payment This event is in the "Adults" group. May 10 2023 Wed Zumba--In-person 6:30pm - 7:30pm Fitness Please note you are looking at an event that has already happened. Library Branch: Cold Spring Harbor Library Room: Large Meeting Room AB Age Group: Adults Program Type: Fitness Required Payment Required Seats Remaining: 12 Event Details: This program is in-person and will take place in the library.